Jacob Gilman

My Story Before my son was even born, he faced challenges. My wife and I were determined to fight for his ..

Jacob Gilman  

 2245 NW Stewart Parkway, Roseburg, OR
Contact Jacob Gilman
About Jacob Gilman

My Story

A group of people sitting on a rock in front of a lakeDescription automatically generated with low confidenceBefore my son was even born, he faced challenges. My wife and I were determined to fight for his life as long as we could. In return, he kept defying the odds. He gave me an even better understanding of what it means to have a family and a home.

When my wife was 22 weeks pregnant, the doctor addressed us with a grave expression. My stomach did a backflip.  Something was wrong. Our baby, Lincoln, yet to be born, had suffered a serious brain hemorrhage, which caused severe swelling.

The doctor used the word “catastrophic.” That word rang in my ears for days. What he was telling us was Lincoln likely wouldn’t survive the pregnancy. And if he somehow did, he would have little brain function—essentially, he would be a vegetable.

I thought about my five-year-old daughter, Sophia, who had already lost a sister and her grandparents a year earlier. Would she ever have a sibling?

The doctor went over our options. In his professional opinion, the best decision was to terminate the pregnancy. My wife and I both shuddered at that thought. If there was any way we had a chance to meet baby Lincoln, we were going to take it.

The next steps were frightening. My wife had to undergo an eight-hour blood transfusion. It was a difficult procedure that left her weak and sick. After that, we couldn’t intervene any further - all we could do was let the pregnancy run its course and hope for the best.

Against all odds, little Lincoln did make it through the pregnancy! But our journey was far from over. The day of delivery should have been the happiest day of our lives, but we didn’t know if Lincoln would survive the birthing process or what condition his brain would be in if he did.

Luckily, my wife had an incredible delivery nurse – one of her best friends - that is very experienced and familiar with our unique situation. When, at long last, Lincoln was born, there were further complications. The umbilical cord had wrapped around his neck twice. He couldn’t breathe, and his blood circulation was cut off.

My heart stopped when I saw him. So small and limp and blue. I was sure we had already lost him. Once he was untangled from the cord, Lincoln was handed to my wife for skin-on-skin contact, and she was instructed to rub his back. The next couple of minutes were the longest of my life, filled with an awful silence. All eyes were on the baby.

Then he gasped for breath.

It was clear that he was struggling. But we hadn’t given up, and neither did he. He gasped again. I realized his chest was turning from a sickly blue to a healthy pink. And with every gasping breath, that healthy color spread until it covered every inch of his little body.

Because of his brain injury, the doctors said he wouldn’t be able to suck or swallow. Without that ability, he wouldn’t live long. But when Lincoln opened his eyes, my wife slipped a finger in his mouth, and he began sucking. To our shock and relief, he was able to nurse.

Six months later, Lincoln had brain surgery. They gave him a shunt (a small hole) that allowed fluid to move more freely, relieving excess pressure.

Now he’s nearly five. He has cerebral palsy but is very happy and social. He’s an absolute blessing, and we can't imagine life without him.

I’ll never forget when we finally brought Lincoln home. It made me recognize the full scope of what a home is: it’s not just about the house, it’s about the people who are inside it. That understanding is what makes me excel at what I do. I’d love the opportunity to help bring you that same feeling of being home at long last.

Agents get into the real estate industry for different reasons. Some people are retired or just looking for a supplemental income. While there’s nothing wrong with that, they tend not to be the most knowledgeable, experts in the field. This is my livelihood. It’s something I’m proud of and constantly putting work into. I also know and love this area. I was born and raised here and could never imagine leaving or wanting to do this job anywhere else. To me, real estate is about serving this community. If you’re new to the experience of buying or selling a home, I will walk you through the entire process and let you know what to expect in the future. If you are more experienced and want a more hands-off approach, I can accommodate that as well! I have what I call my “Book of Resources” for after the sale. I can provide any vendor you may need. I’m authentic, transparent, and will never sacrifice my integrity. What’s best for the client is best for me!

With gratitude,

Jacob Gilman

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